Our Mission

Climate Kahani believes in Climate Awareness for all. By highlighting the voices of communities, as well as academics and researchers, aiming for meaningful impact in both private and public sectors in Pakistan. Climate Kahani believes in working with people, not against any entity. However, it must not be confused with complicity. The campaign will criticize environmental violations, point out shortcomings and deficiencies, and identify and highlight opportunities in its visual storytelling when and where necessary.

– Climate Awareness for all

Pakistan, as a nation and a society, has lagged woefully when it comes to pervasive and effective climate awareness education. While the people have a good innate sense of what a good climate and environment constitute, they have little control or necessary knowledge about what practices to adopt and what lifestyle changes to make. Climate Kahani believes in the democratization of
essential knowledge about climate change through its visual campaigns.

– Highlight the Voices of Communities

The conversation about climate change and climate action often remains confined to inaccessible and incomprehensible bureaucratic blabber in luxury hotels in urban metropoles. While those settings and meetings have their own merits and impacts, those fora often lack the participation of people from communities from remote parts of Pakistan who are witnessing the adverse impact firsthand. Climate Kahani strongly believes in and will practice that value through its visual stories.

– Highlight the Voices of Academics and Researchers

Climate science and research must drive both public policy and public opinion in Pakistan. Any campaign about climate change in Pakistan is incomplete without the voices of academics and researchers who do not get enough attention on public platforms in the national discourse. Climate Kahani aims to bring the contribution of these academics and researchers, directly or indirectly, through its campaign projects.

– Engage Schools and Academic Institutions

Perhaps the greatest instrument of awareness for change is to directly reach out to the next generation. They are waiting to be heard from the most in terms of climate change and they are probably the most neglected. Climate Kahani will be organizing screenings in various schools, colleges, madrassas, and other academic institutions, reaching both children and adult students from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. The feedback from both students and academics will not only help shape the campaign but the campaign hopes to feature them as story subjects in the future.

– Inspire Private Industrial Reform

There is little time to take action to counter the adverse impact of climate change and it is as important to engage allies in the private corporate sector as it is to work with the public sector and policymakers. Climate Kahani will be open to both hold screenings at private corporation campuses and collaborate on projects that highlight the contribution of the industry in reducing carbon footprint, adopting sustainable technologies, and reducing toxic waste.

– Sustainable Urban Growth

Rapid, chaotic, and unhinged urban growth is one of the greatest threats to a sustainable living environment and habitats in Pakistan. Pakistan has among the highest population growth rates in the world. This trajectory is not proportionate to the available food and water resources. Furthermore, due to chaotic urban growth all across Pakistan, the environment of our cities has deteriorated and is not suitable to inspire our children to become environmentally sensitive. Climate Kahani aims to highlight this dimension of the climate dilemma in Pakistan.

– Preservation of the Wildlife and Habitat

Gifted with rich native species of wildlife and migratory birds, Pakistan is seeing a shocking decrease in their numbers through unregulated hunting, habitat destruction, and climate change. Climate Kahani aims to touch upon the troubling issue of disappearing wildlife as well as the diminishing forests and river systems that make up their habitat. The campaign hopes to explore actionable solutions that will ensure some change on the ground and is open to partner with organizations working in this area to help disseminate the message.

– Inspire Policy and Curriculum Change

Climate Action is simply not possible without engaging policymakers and conveying how critical and urgent addressing climate change is. Climate Kahani aims to reach policymakers, including both elected cabinet members, advisors, legislators, and bureaucrats to convey the voices of communities and experts about the needed policy shifts to cater to the challenges of climate change. The campaign also strongly believes that both federal and provincial educational curricula need to be updated to adapt for climate-sensitive education and will advocate for the same in its visual messaging.