Climate Kahani believes in greater awareness, and easier access to knowledge and information. No campaign could ever have an impact if it does not  respect fairness and equity in all respects. Furthermore, the campaign believes in respecting the cultural sensitivities of all the peoples and communities and will ensure that the same sense emanates from its visual stories and digital communication.

Citizen Journalism

Climate Kahani believes in building a network of volunteers, storytellers, and reporters all around Pakistan. The campaign will always remain open to collaborate with the network of climate activists in Pakistan to help bring neglected and urgent stories to its platform. Any citizen in Pakistan is encouraged to reach the campaign for its Any citizen is Pakistan is encouraged to reach the campaign with a story from their district or region.

The Right to Freedom of Expression

Climate Kahani passionately believes in the right to freedom of expression and believe that the value is fundamental to any thriving democracy. The campaign believes that the freedom of speech and press is necessary to bring forth the adverse impact of climate change, particularly when the environment is being directly or indirectly harmed by government corporations, corporate entities, and other politically influential elements that may suppress the reporting of such incidents.

The Right to Information

The right to information is essential for academics and researchers to accurately assess the state of a country’s environment. Without the right to information, journalists would not be protected to uncover stories about violations of environmental codes and laws, as well as the enforcement of such regulations. Climate Kahani strongly believes in the constitutional right to information.

The Right to Protest

The Global Climate Strike has changed the face of how the younger generations are raising their voice about climate change. Climate Change is now not merely a superfluous item far law on the totem pole of international politics. However, still much is needed to be done as actions of government do not often match the idealistic and ambitious rhetoric. Climate Kahani will support, partake, and cover climate protests across Pakistan.

The Right to a Clean Environment 

Every human has a right to clean air and a healthy environment. There is scientific consensus on the fact that human activities have contributed to climate change that has manifested in extreme weather patterns, rising average temperatures, and deteriorating air quality. Climate Kahani pledges to highlight issues pertaining to a clean environment in general and smog and urban air quality in particular.

The Right to Access Clean Drinking Water

Perhaps the most fundamental of human rights is access to clean drinking water. Unfortunately, like the third of the global population, almost 21 million Pakistanis are deprived of the right to access clean drinking water. Not only is it indicative of systemic injustice and a consequence of climate change, but it is also a major public health crisis. Climate Kahani believes that the right to access clean drinking water is indispensable to a clean environment, and will aim to highlight the issue in its visual stories.